QCQ 12

QCQ 12

Quote: “Van Helsing examines, he tells me, her teeth very carefully, whilst she is in the hypnotic condition, for he says that as long as they do not begin to sharpen there is no active danger of change in her”

Comment: This makes me wonder what the exact trigger for turning into a vampire really is. The sharpening of teeth signals that the change has happened but does not indicate what the trigger for the teeth sharpening is. I would think that the trigger is loss of all blood due to a vampire bite, but Lucy had lasted quite awhile with none of her blood off only blood transfusions. It was only after the fourth that she started to change. She was also a lot weaker at the time, so instead of the loss of all blood maybe its loss of blood in addition of death caused by the blood loss.

It could be another possibility that a vampire feeds on someone with the intention of turning them and it is the intention that turns the victim.

Question: If it is the case that its death to blood loss from a vampire bite that causes the change then is it possible for a vampire feed off someone without draining them and therefore, they don’t turn or die? If a vampire can avoid the death of its victims, why would it instead kill them/turn them? Can vampires choose weather or not they turn someone?

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